EMF (electromagnetic frequency)

EMF and electrosmog

EMF (electromagnetic frequency)

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AF-5000 Multifield 5G EMF Meter

€ 243,-

AF-5000 Multifield 5G EMF Meter

The LATNEX® AF-5000 Multi-Field EMF Meter is a small and compact device that can measure electromagnetic field (3-axis), electric field, and RF strength. The AF-5000 measures high-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF) in a frequency range of 50MHz - 10GHz and low frequency electric and magnetic fields (EMF) at 50-60Hz.

Magnetic field strength is measured in milliGauss (mG) and microTesla (μT) for 3 axis X, Y, and Z.
Electric field strength is measured in volt per meter (V/m).
RF field strength is measured in millivolt per meter (mV/m).
A 2 inch color TFT LCD screen displays the 3 results clearly all at the same time, with also the option to hold the 3 results.


  • 4 digits, 2.4 inches color TFT LCD 
  • 3 measurements in one meter: 
  • Electromagnetic Field (3 - axis). 
  • Electric Field. 
  • RF Strength Field. 
  • Data Hold (HOLD) 
  • Language Selection (choose your language): English; Traditional Chinese; Simplified Chinese; Japanese; Spanish

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Earthing and Grounding Mat

Earthing and Grounding Mat
Conductive grounding mat for earthing while sitting or standing, while at a desk, watching television, etc.

It can be used under your bare feet, or on a desk with your bare hands resting on it. Ideal to be used as a mat under your computer keyboard and mouse, enabling you to be grounded as your hands or wrists rest on the mat while typing or using the mouse. The mat is fairly soft and flexible so can also be used in bed as a cheaper alternative to a grounding sheet. Some area of bare skin should touch the smooth upper surface of the mat in order for you to be grounded, although it will work to a lesser degree through thin fabric. Alternatively, it can be used together with our highly conductive grounding socks.

Measures 68cm x 25cm (27" x 10"). The conductive surface is carbon infused leatherette, adhered to a foam backing. It is vinyl/PVC free and latex free. Comes complete with a 4.6m (15ft) connection cord, and your choice of Earth connection.

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Spinor Forpost - EMF beskyttelse

Forpost-1 is a protection from electromagnetic radiation

Protective device “Forpost-1" is a reliable and convenient way to protect people from the negative influence of torsion (information) component of electromagnetic radiation emitted by monitors of personal computers, TV sets, other electronic equipment.

 Recent studies have confirmed that the torsion (information) component of electromagnetic radiation TV sets (monitors of personal computers, other electronic equipment) is the most significant factor in the negative impact on human health.

Thanks to the development of electronic engineering a levelof electromagnetic radiation monitors, TV sets is substantially reduced. However, despite the fact that the level of electromagnetic radiation, such as LCD TV sets (monitors) is significantly lower than that of the TV (monitor) with a cathode-ray tube (CRT), the "power" of the torsion (information) component of LCD TV sets (monitors) is almost the same as that of the TV (monitor) CRT.

Prolonged exposure to torsion (information) component of radiation TVs, PC monitors can lead to well-being decline may be the cause of headaches, extreme fatigue, cause blurred vision and memory, worsening of sleep; lead to a reduction in the level of leucocytes and lymphocytes in the blood, reduction of immunity; adversely affect the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Most sensitive to the effects of torsion (information) fields children and pregnant women.

Device "Forpost-1" is a generator of the right static torsion field. In the interaction of the right torsion field generated by the device "Forpost-1", with an adverse effect on human health left torsion field computer monitor (TV, other electronic devices), a mutual cancellation of the fields created biosafety area as front of the monitor (TV), and around it. Created by the device "Forpost 1" bioibezopasnaya zone is a barrier to the emergence of Energy relations between the emitter and the field of man, and as a result, prevents a negative impact on human health.

Device "Forpost-1" also can be used to neutralize the negative impact of electronics of Car, trolley buses, subway trains.

Microwave News
Grenseverdier i ulike land
Safe Living opplæring

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Medical Earthing Jordspyd med kabel

€ 39,-

Medical Earthing jordspyd
Spydet er ca. 30 cm og solid og ordentlig. Spydet bør settes i bakken før det blir tele i bakken ellers må man bruke drill med langt bor for å få det ordentlig nedi. Kabelen er på 7.6 meter, med spesialtilpasset hun kontakt for Medical Earthing godkjente jordkabel (den er i underkant av 5 meter) med sikkerhetsmotstand (leveres med Medical Earthing laken og matter).

Norges beste og helt sikre jordingslaken i ren økologisk bomull
Uno Vitas økologiske jordingslaken inneholder 3 % sølvtråder innvevd i økologisk og behagelige bomull. Uno Vita er Norges eneste distributør av egenutviklede profesjonelle jordingsprodukter.
Vi leverer jordingslaken av topp kvalitet. Jordingslakene er sikre i bruk og har spesialutformet, norsktilpasset jordingstilkobling. Våre jordingslaken er standard 150 X 230 cm og har en knappekontakt i enden av lakenet på en «svart lapp» som du fester til medfølgende sikker medisinsk jordingskontakt (Medical earthing). Du kan kjøpe et jordingsspyd i tillegg hvis du foretrekker den løsningen. Dette gjelder alle våre jordingsløsninger.

Teknologien forbinder din kropp med jord (bakken)
En av våre spesialiteter er jordingslaken, -yogamater, -matter, -elektroder, -spyd, jording, jordingskontakter og -kabler og «barfotteknologi”  i alle former hører hjemme i kategorien elektromedisin eller mikrostrømterapi.  I andre land selges disse helsebringende produktene under navn som «grounding», «barefoot» eller «earthing». Uno Vita AS er Norges eneste distriutør av jordingsprodukter etter disse prinsippene, og vårt merke kalles ”Medical Earthing”. Våre jordingsprodukter vil fortsettes å utvikles og pakker med sikkerjordingsplugg, elektroder for punktbehandling er allerede tilgjengelig. Jordingsyoga og Tai Chi matter vil komme om ikke lenge, da mange etterspør dette.

Årsakene til at vi har utviklet et eget merke og egne jordingsprodukter, er at vi ønsket å tilby riktig pris, høy kvalitet, økologisk bomull i lakene og 100 % sikre kabler og plugger som trygg kan brukes i en europeisk 223 volts jordet kontakt eller kobles til jordspyd.  Våre jordingskontakter har to klare fordeler framfor importerte løsninger som selges av andre firmaer, ikke har. Uno Vita leverer standard med alle systemer en ”hann-kontakt” (jordingsplugg) produsert etter *IECEE-standard (IECEE = International Commission on the Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment).

Jordingspluggen inneholder en motstand på 100 000 Ohm (kΩ) noe som sikrer at det ikke KAN å gå høy spenning gjennom kabelen uansett om det skulle være en jordfeil, lynnedslag i husets elektrisitetsnett eller om brukeren skulle komme i skade for å benytte et elektrisk apparat i senga med en elektrisk feil.  Videre befinner jordforbindelse seg kun på siden av pluggen. Det betyr at den ikke har noen «ben» som kan stikkes inn i en strømførende kontakt, i motsetning til de amerikanske «bananpluggene» som kan puttes i feil hull og heller ikke har en motstand (beskyttelse) i kabelen.

* Schuko-plugger er utformet etter europeisk standard CEE 7/4, som brukes i hele EU, hvor samme system som i Norge brukes)

Feil & fakta om jording av mennesker.

Påstand 1. Det er farlig å bruke Medical Erting jordingslaken eller tilhørende utstyr, fordi du kan få en høy strøm igjennom kroppen.  Dette er ikke mulig på grunn av systemets innebygde sikkerhetsmekanismer. Et eksempel: Skulle du av en eller annen grunn klare å koble lendingen til en strømførende 230 volts kilde, er det teoretisk kun mulig å få tilført maksimalt 0,529 Watt eller 0,0023 MA (milliampere) eller 2,3 µA (mikroampere)  hvilket er helt ufarlig for mennesker. Medisinsk godkjente (CE) behandlingsapparater som TimeWaver Frequency leverer helsebringende, elektromagnetiske frekvenser/bølger på 0-1000 µA i et bredt frekvensområde. Dette har godt dokumenterte helseeffekter som tilsvarer å være i kontakt med bakken. Det er riktig at er man ute i tordenvær, og et lyn slår ned i hodet, vil man kunne få alvorlige skader som kan være dødelige. Årsaken er at det der ikke finnes noen sikkerhetsmekanismer som en Medical Earthing jordkontakt som hindrer at høy spenning kan passere gjennom kroppen. Folk flest vet at sitter de i en bil med gummihjul, kan ikke lynet gå gjennom kroppen fordi gummi er en isolator (det har så stor motstand i Ohm at det ikke går strøm gjennom).

Påstand 2. Det er skadelige å bruke jordingslaken eller jordingsmatter fordi elektriske «de elektriske feltene vil samles mot dette stedet». Dette er ikke riktig og tilbakevist og forklart grundig for flere år siden av Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., and James L. Oschman, Ph.D. i dokumentet: Understanding Earthing (Grounding), les dokumentet hvis du ønsker mer presis og en faglig bedre forklaring enn vår som ikke er skrevet av folk på doktorgradnivå. Det er riktig at elektriske (statiske eller direkte strøm) ladninger vil søke bakken. Det er derfor vi kobler elektrisk utstyr (PC, kabel TV osv.) til jord. Da blir utstyrets elektronikk eller kabel TV ikke forstyrret av elektrisk støy og felter og fungerer stabilt. Hvis teorien om at «feltene ble samlet i utstyret» eller jordingslaken, matte osv. var riktig ville motsatt effekt oppstått. Det er en av grunnene til alt medisinsk utstyr må være jordet, det er derfor det alltid har vært et krav om jording av kabling til bad og kjøkken. Logikken er enkel, med en gang (strøm beveger seg med lysets hastighet i et vakuum litt saktere under andre forhold) en elektrisk leder er koblet direkte til jord (som en jordingslaken eller en jordingsmatte) vil potensialet utliknes mot jord. Det er altså ingen elektrisk ladning i lakenet så lenge det er jordet. Derimot viser dokumenterte kontrollerte studier at bakken (jord) avgir en svak strøm i retur på i området 100-250 µA (mikroampere), hvilket er i kroppens naturlige «vindu» og har vist seg å ha en rekke gunstige effekter. Se forskningslenker lengre ned i dokumentet.

Fakta & forskningsresultater

Bakkekontakt er godt for deg! Forskning tyder på at det kan gi helsegevinster å være i direkte kontakt med jord. Våre forgjengere har alltid vært i kontakt med jord, noe som ikke ble endret før noe få tusen år siden og som ble endret mer dramatisk med innføring av gummisåler, nylon belegg, utbygging av elektriske nett og livsstil på 1950 tallet. Siden den gang har sykdommer som kreft, hjerteinfarkt, diabetes og ulike livsstil sykdommer vokst i takst med utbyggingen av elektriske nett og teknologier.  I dag er vi i kontakt med jord nesten bare om sommeren når vi er barbeint (i det minste i nord Europa), hvilket betyr at vi svært sjelden får overført elektroner, mikrstrømmer og synkroniserende frekvenser fra jorda (herunder Schumann resonansen). Jording det enkleste og mest naturlige metoden du kan bruke for gjenopprette kontakten med jord.

Studier av en gruppe personer som sov jordet i 1 (de fleste effektene oppstår vanligvis etter +30 dager) til 50 dager og personer som var jordet fra 40 minutter og oppover, vister bl.a. følgende:

  • Blodet flyter bedre og klumper seg ikke så lett. Dette kan redusere risikoen for en rekke alvorlig sykdommer som bl.a. hjerteinfarkt vesentlig
  • Redusert utskillelse av urinsyre etter trening, som å indikere mindre nedbryting av protein
  • Hjerteanalyser av type HRV/EKG viser redusert stress og mer parasympatisk nerveaktivitet
  • Personer som sov jordet fikk redusert blodsukker (helsemessig gunstig og motvirker bl.a. diabetes), bedre mineralbalanse og indikasjoner på en mer gunstig hormonproduksjon
  • Personer som trenger har såre muskler, regenerer raskere når de sover jordet
  • Jording reduserer betennelser
  • 85 % sovnet fortere når de var tilvendt jordingslakenet
  • 93 % sov bedre hele natten og følte seg mer uthvilt neste dag selv ved korte søvnsyklus
  • 82 % opplevde reduksjon i muskelstivhet generelt
  • 74 % opplevde reduksjon eller bortfall av smerter gradvis uten bruk av medikamenter
  • 78 % opplevde bedre helse og økt velvære sett ved å sove jordet

Uno Vita anbefaler alle klienter på Klinikk for Integrert Medisin å benytte jordingslaken. Jording har blant annet vist seg å motvirke klumping av røde blodlegemer, noe som skjer hvis man for eksempel har for lite antioksidanter i blodet (vitamin C). Siden jording tilfører elektroner, virker det omtrent (ikke presist men relevant), som å innta antioksidanter. Dette kan motvirke utvikling av hjerte- og karsykdom, samt bidra til bedre oksygendistribusjon i kroppen, noe som kan ha gunstig effekt også mot flere andre lidelser. Det har også vist seg gjennom forskning de siste 100 år at mennesker er helt avhengig av frekvensene fra jordfeltet. En av de essensielle frekvensene («svingende elektriske felt») som bidrar til bl.a. synkronisering av hjernebølger og signalering i hormonsystemet er nevnte Schumann resonansen.  Sitter du låst inne i menneskeskapte elektriske felt og eller på annen måte er avskjermet fra Schumann resonansen blir du syk.  NASA og det russiske romfartsprogrammet er svært klar over dette og har med seg Schumann resonatorer ut i rommet for at astronautene skal opprettholde søvnrytme med mer. Les mer om effekten av Schumann resonansen her!

Uno Vita leverer EarthCalm produktene som inneholder resonatorer som svinger i takt med Schumann resonansen og bidrar til å redusere de negative effektene av elektriske felter og apparater.

Nedenfor finner du noen studier og kilder samt noen lenker om tema:
Earthing Institute
HeartMD Institute
Google Scholar om Geomagnetiske felter mm

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Spinor Vernada Geo

Spinor Vernada Geo 

Neutralizer adapter for protection agains harmful Wi-Fi EMF torsion field for your home office. Vernada Geo is a protection against the negative impact of Wi-Fi, as well as geopathic zones indoor. 

Just plug it in and you're protected!!

Vernada Geo is a protection against the negative impact of Wi-Fi, as well as geopathic zones indoor
Device Vernada Geo neutralizes negative effect of Wi-Fi router, router, wireless networks radiation, as well as geopathic zones in apartments, offices and other premises, protecting people from the harmful effects of radiation. The fact that Wi-Fi networks are harmful to the body, are already writing the foreign media, and recent studies of Ukrainian scientists confirm this facts.

How to use Vernada - Geo
Device should be switch on the electricity network. The device can be switch on the network at any power outlet in any room, but the effects of the device applies to all rooms of the apartment, office (assuming that they are all powered by the same "phase").

Microwave News
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Safe Living opplæring

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Spinor Verdana Car

€ 43,-

Spinor Verdana Car
The protective device "Vernada-car" developed by "Spinor International" Ltd. by using a standard adapter designed to charge various gadgets. Inverter module using the adapter is connected to "a plus" of car battery. This eliminates the negative impact on passengers and the driver of the vehicle electronics, the engine itself. Using the protective device allovs to reduce substantially driver fatigue, easier travel along sections of road with a negative impact on the driver (geopathic zone technopathogenic road sections, road sections adjacent to the base stations of mobile phones, wind turbine ets.).

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Somavedic Portabel

€ 25,-

Somavedic Portabel 
The principle behind Somavedic Portable is brilliantly simple. It’s basically a rechargeable shape emitter. This charm is universal and can be recharged with any “big” Somavedic. It is also possible to use different Somavedics for recharging.

For example: One day you recharge with Medic and three days with Ruby. The time it stays charged is completely dependent on the environment we are in and this needs to be kept in mind! A subway or a tram driver will be happy if the Portable has 10% capacity at the end of their shift. For a shop assistant, it will stay charged for two days, and for a farmer, it will stay charged for about a week. It also depends on which “big Somavedic” is used for recharging. The least effective recharging is from Atlantik. We recommend using the Medic, Ruby, Cobalt or Medic Green Ultra for recharging.

Ways of use:
I have a Somavedic device: The charm automatically connects to the Somavedic device I have at home and gives me the energy needed at work, in a subway and anywhere I am. It works at 100% of its efficacy.

I don’t have a Somavedic device:That’s okay, you can still use it in the same way. Without a Somavedic device, it works at 45% of its efficacy.

How to use it:
Keep it with you throughout the day in your pocket. (Therapist and producer Ivan Rybjanský recommends your right pocket.) In that case, it creates a protective field around your body up to a distance of about 50 cm!
If you have a Somavedic device, we recommend placing it the Portable on it and letting it recharge overnight. Once charged, the effects of the charm extend up to 5 meters from your body.

What to use it for:
Aura harmonization (100%) and chakras activation (20%)
Elimination of geopathic zones effects (50%)
Elimination of electrosmog (75%)
Elimination of negative energy from people: 100%
Elimination of psychosomatic energies in the environment: 85%
Development of extraordinary abilities: 10%
Deepening meditation: 11%
Improvement in concentration: 10%
Improvement in overall physical health condition: 20%

*This data was measured and provided by healer Jan Betko

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Somavedic Tiny

€ 64,-

Somavedic Tiny
Somavedic Tiny serves as a pocket protector. Just place it next to your Somavedic to charge it overnight. You can then keep it in your pocket during the day. According to our experience, the Somavedic Tiny is able to support our energy field even in crowded spaces and city centers.

Somavedic Tiny serves as a pocket protector. Just place it next to your Somavedic to charge it overnight. You can then keep it in your pocket during the day. According to our experience, the Somavedic Tiny is able to support our energy field even in crowded spaces and city centers. 
Material: Hand-made, brushed, and sandblasted crystal glass.  
Size: 1.3'' x 0.7"

Obs! To be most effective it needs to be charged every 48 hours on one our the large Somavedic devices

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Georges Lakhovsky MWO antenna (500 mm)

€ 165,-

500mm gold plated MWO antenna
Eric Dollard version of Georghes Lakhovsky MWO antenna.This listing is for 1 piece of 500x500mm upgraded version of Georges Lakhovsky MWO antenna. Each antenna is 500mm in diameter, 1.6mm thick, blue color and gold plated. This version of MWO is double-sided with thin strips on the backside that form a capacitor with a ring on the front side. This make these antennae more powerful both in active and passive use. The antenna is 500mm in diameter, 1.6mm thick, blue color and gold plated. This version of MWO is double sided. Good for mounting on walls to provide radiant energy and radionics healing in entire room. 500mm Lakhovsky MWO antenna also acts as an EMF protection device for a larger area. Antennae are made to order, please note longer production time (2-4 weeks if not in stock).

size: 500mm diameter
thickness: 1.6mm
color: blue
metal: gold plated copper (double sided)

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Spinor Vernada Odo

Spinor Vernada Odo 
Neutralizer adapter for protection agains harmful Wi-Fi EMF torsion field for your home office. Vernada Geo is a protection against the negative impact of Wi-Fi, as well as geopathic zones indoor. 

Vernada Odo is a protection against the negative impact of Wi-Fi, as well as geopathic zones indoor
and neutralizes negative effect of Wi-Fi router, router, wireless networks radiation, as well as geopathic zones in apartments, offices and other premises, protecting people from the harmful effects of radiation. The fact that Wi-Fi networks are harmful to the body, are already writing the foreign media, and recent studies of Ukrainian scientists confirm this facts.

Today you’ll hear about the radiation around you that can affect you, it can affect your immune system and damage your DNA. There’s the signals that send out microwave radiation, including WiFi, G4 and G5, the signals from your TV and from your smart meters. By taking cost effective and prudent precautions, you can minimize the effects the radiation around you has on your body. Devices Spinor helps to protect you from hazard EMF radiation

The principle of operation of the device is based on the law of harmonization of confined space, which we discovered. The device effectively neutralizes the harmful effects radiation of a Wi-Fi router, router, wireless networks, as well as geopathic Vernada Odo works within the walls of a room or office. (Using the device for only one room or room, office.) The device for protection of users against negative effect from PC computer monitors, other electronic equipment, creates two right formed static torsion fields propagating in the form of symmetrical cones at a distance depending on the number of creative poly-forms - creators (material objects with the appropriate surface geometry). The principle of the device is based on the law of harmonization of a closed space, which we have discovered. The essence of the law has not yet been disclosed until the end of the multiple verification of the process. Advantage of this model in comparison with VernadaGeo - there is no need to plug-in the device in the electrical network. But this is a disadvantage of this device, since it harmonizes the space in only one room. In addition, VernadOdo can be used to eliminate the negative impact of a cell phone base stations on the live. To do this, the device must be placed in any convenient location near the base station. This device has an advantage over Vernada, since there is no need to determine the "power points" that are required when using the mentioned Vernada. Vernada-Odo can also be used in the metro.

Microwave News
Grenseverdier i ulike land
Safe Living opplæring

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Polished shungite cell phone stand for EMF protection

Regular Price: € 56,-

Special Price € 44,-

Polished shungite cell phone stand for EMF protection
Shungite phone stand for comprehensive EMF protection

Material: Regular shungite
Weight:  550 grams
Size: 100 x 80 x 30 mm 
Please, be advised that all pictures are for illustrative purposes only. 
In order to cancel negative influence of cell phone radio waves you can use a special shungite phone stand. Scientific researchers have shown that shungite is able to block electromagnetic radiation and significantly weakens its impact on the body. Various experiments have proved that it absorbs up to 98% of electromagnetic radiation while keeping signal intact. In the modern world we can hardly imagine our life without a cell phone, but it has become possible to extremely decrease its negative influence on our health with the help of shungite phone stands. The protective shungite phone stands are made of the purest shungite, which is mined in the Zaghoginsky deposit. By using these items you can easily protect yourself from the cell phone’s radiation. As a result, you will enhance the state of your nervous system and the condition of the bio-field as well as improve your overall health. Never forget to care about yourself and remember that shungite phone stands are an irreplaceable protection against the invisible enemy – electromagnetic radiation.

Shungite as a natural protection
If you notice at least one of the signs, it would be wise to consult with a doctor as well as to try shielding yourself. There are multiple ways to reduce harmful influence and protect you from EMF and geopathic stress. The simplest one is to minimize the usage of your electronic devices. However in our age of sophisticated technologies it seems to be impossible. We can’t imagine our life without smart phones and computers. But we can make their usage safer and less harmful for health. The most efficient and cheapest way to reduce radiation influence is shungite. The stone is widely known by its absorbing and protecting properties. Shungite is a natural geomagnetic material with a strong screening effect neutralizing high frequency and microwave frequency electromagnetic radiation. One more significant advantage of shungite stones is that they don’t have date of consumption, you can use them unlimitedly. The only thing you need to do in order to maintain their efficiency is cleaning and charging your stones on regular basis.

Who's shungite for
Broadly speaking, almost every person needs to have shungite stone. We surround ourselves by electronic devices and need to be protected from negative energy impact and potentially dangerous electromagnetic waves. There is a wide array of options how to use shungite stone for EMF protection and geopathic stress reduction, so everyone can choose the most appropriate one.

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Polished shungite pyramid

100 mm Polished shungite pyramid
Vekt: (650 gram)

Authentic EMF protection shungite pyramid

Size: 100 * 100 mm
Weight: 650 grams
Action radius: 10 meters
Material: shungite

It is believed that shungite items of pyramid shape positively influence the human’s body and internal health. They can be a perfect tool for home protection against EMF. They can create a positive and protecting bio-field around themselves in the radius up to 5 meters and more. Placing the shungite pyramid at your working space or in the bedroom will contribute a lot to your health and well-being.The pyramid shape has been popular since the appearance of human beings due to its magical properties and symbolic meaning. Placing shungite pyramid at your home or in the office contributes a lot to your healthy living. If you want to protect against EMF, place shungite pyramid near Wi-Fi router, computer or TV set. In order to strengthen your energy field and bring internal harmony and tranquility to your everyday life, use shungite pyramids as a part of home décor. Apart from improving your physical health shungite pyramid will stabilize your relationships with relatives and colleagues.

There are polished and non-polished shungite pyramids and both of them are widely used for protection and healing. They provide the same effects in terms of EMF protection and crystal vibrations, and differ only in the way they look. What really matters is the size of shungite pyramid determining its action radius. The larger the item, the bigger action radius it has and more comprehensive protection it provides.


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Spinor mobile EMF protector

Spinor EMF beskyttelse for mobiltelefoner og trådløse enheter

Spinor beskyttelseteknologi mot skadelig stråling (EMF)
Studier viser at den torsjon felt («et vridd felt» rundt elektromagnetisk kilder) stråling fra mobiltelefoner (trådløse telefoner og annen trådløs teknologi) er viktig negativ som påvirker vår menneskelige helse. Spinor produktene fjerner «vridningen» (torsian feltet) og reduserer dermed den negative effekten (dette er målbart med spesialutstyr).

Langvarig eksponering av torsjon (informasjon) fra av trådløs teknologi som mobiltelefon kan forverres en svekket helsetilstand, gi hodepine, slapphet, svak syn og hukommelse, søvnforstyrrelser, reduksjon av blod nivåer av leukocytter og lymfocytter og immun relatere lidelser. Forskning tyder også på at «vridde felt2 det påvirker det endokrine og reproduktive system. Barn og gravide kvinner er mest sårbare for virkningene av torsjon (informasjon) felt. Spinor enhetene nøytraliserer de skadelige effektene fra strålingen fra mobiltelefon (MP3-spiller, bærbare mm) og skaper en biologisk trygt område rundt en de elektroniske enhetene.

Spinor "klistrelappen" til mobiltelefoner og andre trådløse enheter nøytraliserer effekten av skadelige torsian (vridde felt) og skaper et biologisk naturlig felt (stopper opp vridningen) og gjør at den negative effekten av trådløs teknologi reduserer vesentlig

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Uno Vita Blue Light Blocking Glasses Unisex (orange)

Delivery time for pre-orders are normally from 3-10 days

Blue Light Blocking Glasses Unisex (orange, one size)
Blue light seriously hurts human eyes, especially in our time and age. The lens [no strength] is added anti-blue light film in the production process, which's very efficient against blue light radiation. Moreover, they could be used as myopia glasses since they super lightweight and high quality. All LED screens, such as those on smartphones, tablets, and computers, emit blue light. Blue light is known to cause eye strain and fatigue and lead to long-term vision deterioration. Blue light is also known to suppress the hormone melatonin, disrupting your sleeping patterns.

Anti Blue Light Glasses by Smart&Safe is the answer. Anti-blue light glasses ease the strain on your eyes, leaving them feeling fresh, day and night. Smart&Safe Anti-Blue Light Glasses protect your eyes from long-term damage caused by exposure to blue light. Anti Blue Light Glasses allow you to have a peaceful night’s sleep. Anti Blue Light Glasses only removes harmful blue light, letting through the non-harmful colored light. They do not alter your vision in any way. They are one size fits all and a contemporary unisex style. You’ll look cool and feel great, in the office and at home. We live in a screen era nowadays, and so do our children. Why take risks with something as important as your eyesight? Get your Anti Blue Light Glasses today!

Anti Blue Light Glasses features:

  • Anti-Blue Light.
  • Anti-Glare.
  • Anti-Oil.
  • Anti-Fog.
  • UV Protection.
  • Frame measurements: front frame 14cm, length of arm 13.9cm
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MommySafe Anti-Radiation Meternity Belly Band-Black-M

€ 53,-
Maternity Belly Band Shield We are proud to present the latest product by Smart&Safe® The MommySafe™. Protect your baby from everyday radiation during your pregnancy while complementing you and your clothing. A maternity essential, the flattering Belly Band feels great. Go about your day freely and stylishly with the peace of mind of Smart&Safe® protection. Why buy a cheap belly band when have one that protects your child from dangerous radiation from cell phones, cell towers and laptops. Learn More

MommySafe Anti-Radiation Meternity Belly Band-Black-L

€ 53,-
Maternity Belly Band Shield We are proud to present the latest product by Smart&Safe® The MommySafe™. Protect your baby from everyday radiation during your pregnancy while complementing you and your clothing. A maternity essential, the flattering Belly Band feels great. Go about your day freely and stylishly with the peace of mind of Smart&Safe® protection. Why buy a cheap belly band when have one that protects your child from dangerous radiation from cell phones, cell towers and laptops. Learn More

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MommySafe Anti-Radiation Meternity Belly Band-Black-XL

€ 53,-
Maternity Belly Band Shield We are proud to present the latest product by Smart&Safe® The MommySafe™. Protect your baby from everyday radiation during your pregnancy while complementing you and your clothing. A maternity essential, the flattering Belly Band feels great. Go about your day freely and stylishly with the peace of mind of Smart&Safe® protection. Why buy a cheap belly band when have one that protects your child from dangerous radiation from cell phones, cell towers and laptops. Learn More

Faraday Baseball Cap EMF Radiation Shielding 40GHz Tested (black)

Faraday Baseball Cap EMF Radiation Shielding 40GHz Tested (black)
Smart&Safe protective baseball cap was made to shield the head from different frequencies, From AM through microwave, Wi-Fi, 4G, LTE, and 5G millimeter-wave.

This product comprises a sophisticated Polyester/Cotton blend and is lined with micro-fine pure silver fiber for radiation protection. Our unique Electromagnetic emission shielding hat gives a comfortable, natural feel with durability and washability. Research links RF radiation with behavioral and cellular disturbances. For example, many people can sense the differences in "mind noise" levels from RF radiation. It’s time to give the peace of mind the brain needs without interference with the mental processes from RF radiation.

The main radiation protection component of the cap:
100% Pure-Silver Fiber™

Frequency range and shielding effectiveness:
Frequency range: 10MHz-40GHz
Shielding effectiveness: 49.1dB-71.4dB


  • Adult cap with an electromagnetic shielding function.
  • Protect the head from RF electromagnetic waves (3G, 4G, 5G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Microwave, AM-FM)
  • Up to 100% of full protection.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Adjustable size.

Washing Instructions:We recommend washing by hand with mild detergent. Never use chlorine bleach.

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Faraday Blanket With Pocket EMF Protective 40GHz Tested (blue)

Faraday Blanket With Pocket EMF Protective 40GHz Tested

How it works: The new MommySafe® Baby Blanket by Smart&Safe® is a comfortable, stylish, & high-quality soft Microfiber blanket that's shielding from harmful wireless radiation from devices like cell phones, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers, and cordless phones. The shielding inner is made of Pure-Silver Fiber™.

electromagnetic radio frequency radiation tested and proven


  • Our new MommySafe® Baby Blanket deflects up to 99.9% of EMF radiation at ranges between 900MHz - 40GHz (!!!)
  • Machine washable and dry-able.
  • Luxurious hypo-allergenic flannel, comfortable against the skin, with non-toxic
  • 29.5″x34.25″ (approx. 75cm x 87cm)

Developed and crafted with love by Smart&Safe®

Why do pregnant mothers have to prevent radiation?
Because of these ten bad habits during pregnancy, it is always important to protect the fetus:
1. Playing with mobile phones while sitting, so the smartphone is near the stomach OR sleeping while the device is at the bedside.
2. Working or playing games for a long time using a laptop on your lap.
3. Browsing online or playing video games.
4. Often use induction cookers, microwave ovens, and other electrical appliances with high EMF and ELF radiation emissions levels.
5. Driving an electric or a hybrid car.
6. Having a Wi-Fi router, printer, or any other wireless appliance in areas in the house where you spend the most time.
7. Home appliances are often turned on at the same time and work simultaneously. 
8. Work long hours in an office with many computers, wi-fi routers, printers, and many other electric devices.
9. Being at close range with extremely dangerous transformer rooms even without having an idea that you are near one.
10. Being at close range with transmission towers, high voltage lines, and other EMF affluent areas.

According to statistics, every 18 seconds, one defective child is born, and radiation is one of the culprits leading to infant defects. Domestic electromagnetic protection experts - believe that a pregnant woman wearing radiation protection apparel can effectively shield against electromagnetic radiation, thus protecting the fetus. 
0~3 months during pregnancy: the fetus in the embryonic period is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, and the far-reaching consequences may cause limb defects and even miscarriages. 
4~5 months of pregnancy: the formation of the embryo, at this stage exposing a fetus to electromagnetic radiation for a long time may cause damage to its intellect and even dementia.
6~10 months of pregnancy: the fetus is growing; at this time, the fetus is at a critical growth stage. The main consequences of long-term radiation exposure will result in low fetal function, weak post-natal resistance and physical fitness, and even damage to the central nervous system.

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ULM Healing Energy Sleeping Bag (large)

€ 698,-

ULM Healing Energy Sleeping Bag (large)
The RITM-ULM Energy Sleeping Bag are made of layered metallic coated films, covered by wool-cotton material. Using the RITM-ULM devices is a non-invasive and effective way of protecting the body from external EMF and RF radiation emitted by different appliances and technologies. At the same time the RITM-ULM devices reflect user’s own electromagnetic radiation in the infrared and extremely high frequency ranges, thus normalising energy exchange and improving recovery capability of the body. Due to high effectiveness, usability and safety RITM-ULM products help to regulate of psycho-emotional disorders, improve sleep, increase resistance to stress factors, to relieve muscle tension. 


  • Protection of the covered body from external electromagnetic and electrostatic radiation
  • Reduced heat emission and normal heat exchange due to reflected heatradiation in the infrared spectrum of electromagnetic waves
  • Influencing the user with his/her intrinsic electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency (the working frequency of body cells)
  • Redistribution of surface electric charge on the patient.

Healing Energy Sleeping Bag (large): 220 x 102 cm
To be delivered with an additional cotton insert lining.
Wirless/RF shielding: 8 - 40 GHz

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