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Uno Trace Fulvic Acid (59ml)

Unotrace huminsyre og fulvinsyre
Inneholder både fulvinsyre og huminsyre, to syrer som finnes naturlig i levende jord og som binder mineraler. Disse fungerer som biologiske stimulanser og bidrar til å stimulere det fysiologiske stoffskiftet i planter ved å fremme vekst, forbedrer jordstrukturen og øker kvaliteten på plantene. Som kosttilskudd øker disse syrene opptaket av mineraler i tarmen.  Produktet er spesialutviklet for å bidra til effektiv avgiftning. Unotrace fulvinsyre inneholder fulvinsyre, huminsyre, mineraler, sporstoffer og organiske naturlige syrer 

Effekter av Unotrace humin-/fulvinsyre:
● Stimulerer stoffskiftet
● Stimulerer kroppens enzymproduksjon
● Forbedrer omdanning av proteiner, RNA-syntesen og øker mengden DNA i cellene
● Bidrar til bedre elektrolyttbalans
● Bidrar til bedre elektrokjemisk balanse
● Kan øke det elektriske potensialet i cellemembranene
● Kelaterer (binder) giftige materialer og metaller i kroppen slik at de kan skilles ut
● Bidrar til å normaliserer blodtrykket
● Kan motvirke blodmangel
● Kan bidra til å gjenoppbygge et skadet immunsystem
● Kan motvirke virus og infeksjoner (antibakterielle, antivirale og antifungale egenskaper)
● Kan motvirke irritabel og lekk tarm og bidrar til bedre tarmflora
● Kan redusere stress og gi bedre søvn
● Øker opptaket av vitaminer og mineraler fra tarmen
● Forsterker effekten av urteteer og -tinkturer
● Bidrar til bedre pH-balanse i kroppen
● Kan gi bedre kognitiv helse og lindre tilstanden til blant annet Alzheimer-pasienter
● Reduserer forekomsten av frie radikaler og motvirker betennelser og smerter

Innhold 59ml - tilsvarende ca 1700 dråper:
Huminsyre og fulvinsyre, mikronæringsstoffer, mineraler og sporstoffer, inkludert:

Tilsammen 70 plantebaserte sporstoffer, mineraler og elektrolytter

Anbefalt dosering pr. dag:
For generell styrking av kroppen 10-20 dråper pr. dag i godt med vann
For barn over 6 år inntil 10 dråper pr. dag i godt med vann

Unotrace Huminiqum er rent, trygt og produsert under kontrollerte forhold. 
Innholdet av tungmetaller ligger godt under EUs matstandard. Produktet er fylt i vegetabilske gelatinkapsler og inneholder ingen konserveringsmidler eller kunstige tilsetningsstoffer. 

Importør og distributør in Norge, Sverige, Danmark: Uno Vita AS, Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss

Tillatt brukt for barn over 7 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Anbefalt døgndose bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskudd bør ikke erstatte et variert kosthold. Bør oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn generelt. Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.


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Ultra Binder® Stick Packs

Ultra Binder® Stick Packs

  • Multi-targeting detoxifying agent for the gut
  • Supports the transport of toxins out of the body
  • Binds to various toxins in the GI tract and prevents their absorption into the body
  • Combines the detoxifying effects of multiple binder-agents
  • Ultra Binder, Natural Toxin Binder is a detoxifying combination which targets many kinds of toxins including metals and endotoxins, which reside in the gut and helps remove them from the entire body.

Ultra Binder® stick packs are Ultra-Binder in a convenient, travel-friendly packaging. This comprehensive blend of natural materials can effectively bind the wide array of environmental contaminants we encounter in everyday life. This allows our body to detoxify safely and naturally.

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Ultra Binder (120g)

Delivery time for pre-orders are normally from 3-10 days

Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay Gut Health Supplement for Detoxification & Digestive Health

Can help normalize gut flora.
Each bottle contains 30 4g servings.
Mix 1 teaspoon into 8 ounces of water once daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take 30 minutes before or 2 hours after meals.
This product does not contain gluten.

Ultra Binder® Universal Toxin Binder is also available in: Ultra Binder Capsules, Ultra Binder Sensitive Formula, and Ultra Binder Stick Packs

Broad-Spectrum Multi-Toxin Binder
Ultra Binder is a universal, broad-spectrum binder that captures toxins while supporting gut health and alleviating inflammation.

Activated charcoal – Activated charcoal contains millions of tiny pores that capture toxins in the gut, including metals, bacterial lipopolysaccharide, and mycotoxins. It is well-tolerated and readily excreted in the stool.

Chitosan – Chitosan is a water-soluble polysaccharide derived from the outer skeleton of shellfish. It binds heavy metals and microbes and may support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Bentonite clay – Bentonite clay is a creamy gray volcanic ash. Each molecule has a vast surface area capable of binding to numerous harmful substances, including heavy metals, mold toxins, and LPS, a pro-inflammatory bacterial byproduct.

IMD intestinal cleanse –Quicksilver Scientific’s proprietary mercury-binding complex contains thiol-functionalized silica molecules that elegantly and efficiently bind to mercury, facilitating its elimination through the gut while quenching intestinal inflammation. IMD does not enter the bloodstream and will not lead to a redistribution of metals throughout the body.

Aloe vera – Aloe vera contains acemannan, an oligosaccharide compound that soothes the gastric mucosa, normalizes the gut flora, and alleviates potential constipation caused by other binders.

Acacia gum – Acacia gum is rich in soluble fiber, which helps normalize gut motility and enhances beneficial gut bacteria growth.

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Super K (90)

Super K  (90 softgels)
Vitamin K supplement with K1 and two forms of K2

Our Super K combines vitamin K1 with two forms of vitamin K2 in a once-daily vitamin K supplement to help support bone & heart health

What Is Super K?
Super K provides three different kinds of vitamin K. Vitamin K1, the most common form of vitamin K, is typically found in the plant cells of leafy green vegetables and helps support optimal bone health and arterial health. The forms of K2 found in this supplement are MK-7 and MK-4, commonly found in some types of dairy. Support your heart & bone health and get your daily dose of vitamin K today.

Super K Benefits

  • Helps maintain bone health
  • Supports heart & arterial health
  • Contains three forms of vitamin K
  • Supports vascular health by promoting healthy calcium balance

What is vitamin K1?
Vitamin K1 is the most common form of vitamin K. It is found in leafy green vegetables. Vitamin K promotes heart, bone and arterial health.

Why did we add vitamin K2?
Vitamin K2 has been found to be up to 6 times more bioavailable than K1 and to remain active in the body for a longer period of time.

Vitamin K for Lasting Health
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that is known for helping maintain calcium balance in the body. Supporting everything from arterial health to healthy bone density, vitamin K is an important part of maintaining cardiovascular health. Supplementing with Super K provides multiple bioavailable forms of vitamin K that work together to provide comprehensive health benefits.

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Dr. Shade’s BitterX (NB DATO)

Regular Price: € 59,-

Special Price € 26,-

Liposomal blend for detoxification and digestion support

  • Herbal blend that complements any meal.
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Supports bile flow and liver function

Health Benefits at a Glance:
Dr. Shade’s BitterX is the upgraded version of Dr. Shade’s Bitters No. 9 and brings an even stronger formulation of detoxification supporting bitter compounds, using Quicksilver Scientific’s patented liposomal delivery form for higher-than-normal bioavailability and absorbability.

Why it Works:
Dr. Shade’s BitterX is the follow-up product to our popular liposomal detox product Dr. Shade’s Bitters No. 9. Dr. Shade’s BitterX provides even better support for digestive and overall health with it’s slightly more bitter blend of herbs (dandelion, gentian, myrrh, and solidago). These herbs work synergistically together to support the body’s detoxification process even more effectively. The active ingredients in Dr. Shade’s BitterX stimulate bile flow to move toxins out of the body and support the liver and kidneys, two major detoxification organs. Furthermore, its botanicals are lightly flavored with a touch of sweet essential orange oil. The active compounds from dandelion, gentian root, solidago, and myrrh are delivered with Quicksilver Scientific’s unique liposomal delivery format called “Quicksilver Delivery Systems™. This unique liposomal delivery system heightens the bioavailability and absorbability of the active compounds in this product and can, therefore, have a stronger effect on the activation of the transporting compounds that are essential to the move of bile and toxins from the liver and out through the gallbladder.

The Science Behind the Product. Dr. Shade’s BitterX contains the following ingredients:
- Dandelion - which stimulates hepatic protection, renal-, and bile flow.
- Gentian - which promotes healthy bile flow, and has been shown to increase levels of gluthatione as well as other antioxidant-supporting enzymes.
- Solidago - which for a long time has been used as a supporting ingredient for the urinary system. It also promotes diuresis and through this the elimination of toxins.Simultaneously, it also increases glutahtione S-transferase activity. Gluthathione S-transeferase is a critical enzyme in phase II detoxification.
- Myrrh - which in this product comes in an oleo gum resin form. It supports bile flow and the balancing of microbes.

How to Use:
Take 2 to 4 pumps by mouth three times daily. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by healthcare professional.
Take on empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals

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